Why is lime the life-saving colour?

Use lime to bring youthful energy to a living space.

Rich in vitamin C and bursting with antioxidants, the humble lime is a miracle-worker when it comes to keeping us sprightly. British sailors in the 19th century used the juice to survive long sea journeys and today’s studies suggest this super-fruit can even help prevent the effects of ageing. Colour experts say surrounding yourself with lime can have a similarly rejuvenating effect, so why not bring some zing to your home with a splash of citrus green?

A beautiful blend of soothing greens and dynamic yellow, lime lifts the spirits and brings equal doses of zest and tranquility. Particularly powerful in In spaces with lots of natural light, use lime green liberally to help reflect the sunlight – it also acts as a beautiful backdrop when paired with stronger, earthy accents of mustard yellow and olive.

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